"jazzahead" offers a unique and innovative forum around jazz and it's idiom the first time in March 2006. Musicians, producers, journalists, agencies, associations, academies, culture institutions and over all an interested audience - here men of action and sponsors meet each other eventual to exchange their ideas and to build real networks.
From March 23rd til 26th the Congress Center Bremen open their gates for jazz: Ulrich Beckerhoff, the artistic director, amongs to the most renowned German jazz musicians. To assign him the artistic responsibility and this new festival concept, is a very positive and overdue sign for jazz in Germany.
The happenings during the days of "jazzahead" presents high-class live concerts, conferences, discussions, exhibitions and presentations of the exhibitors. With the modules conference, festival, management symposium other countries and their artists and institutions will be extensively informed about the jazz scene in Germany.
Within the festival an international platform for German jazz formations take place the very first time. Festival directors and producers from other countries have got the opportunity to gain an overview during the showcases of 14 selected German bands and the music scene itself.
The "German Jazz-Meeting" is supported by the "Culture Foundation of Germany" and the "Goethe-Institute".
Young talents of jazz will get support to make progress with their own, professional carreer. Singer Lisa Bassenge gives a review as a speaker about the subject "Young Lions - successful musicians reports" and obviously will play a live concert with her band.
Renowned speakers out of the business world, sciences ant the music scene draw lines between jazz and management and they will demonstrate, how managers and executives find answers of relevant questions and new possibilities in leading enterprises from jazz and it's special language.
The exhibition "Jazz in Germany" will shown the very first time in Bremen. The committee of the exhibition build the "Jazz Institute Darmstadt" and the "Goethe-Institute". After the days of "jazzahead" it is a touring exhibition and will be presented all over the world.
More extensive informations to all projects and organizationall help you will find under:
Website jazzahead!