
Jan Fritz
Founder and Editor








Founder and Editor. He was music editor at the private radio channel KISS-FM Berlin (production and moderation of the broadcast „Jazzbeats“ from 1992-1996). Publicity studies at the HdK Berlin. Leading publicity work for the gallery rotunde at Hackesche Höfe, Berlin (1997-1998). In 1999 he was member of the marketing staff at SAN FRANCISCO JAZZ FESTIVAL in California, USA. From 2000-2001 he was an PR-expert for the music enterprise Mazur Media (St. Petersburg) and leads the Berlin office. In December 2001 he founded his agency JAZZMEDIA & MORE.




birgit.jpgBirgit Jacobsen
Public Relations




Birgit is from the very high north of Germany near the Danish border, that is why she speaks Danish fluently and other north-frisian dialekts, naturally English. Her journalistic background she obtains while she was leading a TV production firm in Berlin (Innovationsfabrik) in the 90ties. In 2004 she decided to live ones again in Northern Germany.




Karim Bouhageb
Office Berlin





Karim is a marketing expert with passion. After childhood years in Africa as a son of a diplomat he was early intimate with networking. In Berlin he studied business management and learned to be an economy journalist. At JAZZMEDIA he takes over duties, which have something to do with economic efficiency of projects and especially entrust with fundraisings and communication between economy, politics and culture.

Since January 2013 Karim also run our JAZZMEDIA & MORE Office Berlin:



Cunostrasse 51
14193 Berlin